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Fake Dust - Demo 2022 (3rd Press)
Malandro - "Demo 2023"
Rawtopsy - "Methcoast Speedgore" Tape (3rd Press)
Rawtopsy - "Sales And Distribution Of A Controlled Substance" Tape (2nd Press)
Rawtopsy - "Methcoast Speedgore" T-Shirt
Rawtopsy - "Sales And Distribution Of A Controlled Substance" T-Shirt
Rawtopsy - "Traffic Heroin Amid A Noxious Cavity" T-Shirt
Rawtopsy - "Campaign Of Intimidation" T-Shirt
BOB PLANT - "Contract Confederate Killer" T-Shirt
x8xGatesx/Byakuyas Revenge Split Tape
Agathocles/Scalped 7" (CLEAR VINYL)
Agathocles/Scalped 7" (BLUE VINYL)
Agathocles/Scalped (RED VINYL)
Agitate/Haggus 7"
Agitate/Grunt/Chetwrecker/Bungus 12"
Bob Plant - West Coast Mincecore Tape (7th Press)
Bob Plant - Lather Mince Repeat Tape (3rd Press)
Bob Plant/Sniping Pigs 7" (BLACK)
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Bob Plant/Sniping Pigs 7" (WHITE)
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Bob Plant/Sniping Pigs 7" (PURPLE)
Obacha/Chetwrecker 7" (Re-Issue)
Chetwrecker - Absurd Identity 7"
Chetwrecker/Doperunner 7"
Cogs And Sprockets Tape
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Controversy - S/T Tape
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Controversy - Buy One Get One Free Tape
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Corporal/Twitch tape
Costectomy - Liquefied Into Nature Tape
Detroit/Suffering Mind 7"
Disease/Effluvia Split Tape
Domestic Immunity - S/T Tape
Engross - Inconceivable Horror tape
Facial Lancer - Grizzly Tape
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Globe- S/T Tape
Grin and Bear It/God's America 12"